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How We Work


Lets take a journey together to look on the bright side.

Hypnotherapy can take you to a deep relaxed state where we can prompt positive thought.

This filters into your everyday life, creating new neural pathways that enrich your life, enabling you to create the fullfilling present and future you desire.

Come and learn about how your brain works, how to train it to work positively for you, and for your best intentions.


About me

Having worked in the NHS nursing for 17 years I now want to support people in a different way, working together to move forward, without the need to dwell on the past.

I am attracted to hypnotherapy because of the deep relaxation element.  Our lives can be so hectic, we forget to truly relax, leading to stressed bodies and minds.  We need to remember how to stop, and gather ourselves quietly and peacefully. Then we can enjoy the potential that life can be with kindness in our hearts.


About your Session

I conduct our sessions over the course of an hour in my peaceful garden room in Portishead

The first half of our session we talk about how our brains work and how hypnotherapy helps.

Then I guide you into a relaxed state where we focus on creating new positive behaviours.

Please be aware there are some steps and a cat.

Cost: £40 per session

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